Including quail in your aviary..and you get eggs!
Japanese Quail make great pets, especially if you already have an aviary. Quail can be kept in cages or small aviary enclosures covered with shade cloth. In just 1 square meter of floor space you can happily keep 10 to 15 quail. This amount of birds would easily provide you with enough eggs for a family of four people.

Do you live in an apartment and have dreamed of having your own chook eggs?
Then this is the perfect setup for you!
All you need is a medium sized bird cage with a cleanout tray underneath. You can easily house 4 or 5 quail that will each supply you with an egg every day.
Quail can be introduced outside from 4 weeks of age and can be laying eggs by the time they are 8 to 10 weeks old. If housed outside, quail will may stop laying during the winter months, but if kept in good conditions in an area where the temperature is above 16 degrees, a single quail would normally lay around 280-290 eggs a year....and will continue to lay for nearly 2 years. If you want to keep quail for their eggs, the best ratio is 3 to 4 hens to each rooster. Domesticated quail are not known for going broody, so if you plan on trying to breed your quail, you will need to incubate the eggs. Or see our Incubation/Hatching Service.
Apart from the fact that quail are beautiful to look at in the bottom of an aviary.....
If you ever wanted home grown get them too!! Yes, that's right. If you have a cage outside, similar to a bird can be harvesting your own eggs! Quail eggs, not chicken eggs. We gather both here on our property, but it just depends on your own space.
All quail are priced regarding age, not colour. Larger orders can be delivered at a small fee if not within 20km. All colours are available with each hatch, until sold out.
4 week old Quail $5.00 each
5 week old Quail $6.00 each
6 week old Quail $7.00 each
7 week old Quail $8.00 each
8 weeks (point of lay) and older Quail $10.00 each